Thursday, January 12, 2017

A Beautiful Cat Named Ida!

I am always honored to connect with animals of all species, large and small, unique in their own special way.

My work makes my heart happy every day. I have the privilege of meeting many highly evolved souls that have decided to come back into dog, cat, horse, bird, etc. bodies to be with humans that they often have been with in other lifetimes.

Sometimes, some sessions are so special to me I feel the need to share. With permission from Ida's guardian, I want to share some special things about what Ida had to tell her human.

Ida was very sick,  and her person wanted to connect with her to find out her wishes before she passed.

  • The first thing Ida told her is how much she loved her and to always keep her heart open.
  • She then said that she knew her body was different than her Spirit. 
  • She said her Spirit was happy. Most of her messages were about love, and staying in the day.
  • We asked her if she wanted 'assistance' in passing (I described to her what that meant) and said that she wished to go naturally.
  • She said she needed verbal permission from her person to cross. (Lots of times our animal partners wait for this, as they are worried about us). 
  • She said she'd like her person to stay with her for her last days/moments here. She told her person that if for any reason she had to leave her, she understood, and if she passed while she wasn't there, that it was meant to be like that. To know this in her heart and know that it's okay if that happens.

Her guardian emailed me about 25 minutes later. Said she gave Ida permission to transition and had to leave for a few minutes to get some things and then went right back. She said that while she was gone, Ida had passed.

Obviously, Ida knew this was going to happen, and wanted her person to know, without a doubt that it was meant to be this way.

She is a beautiful soul and is now helping her person from 'the other side'.

Thank you, Ida for your beauty and wisdom and such love for your guardian.

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