I've been guided to offer my remote 1 hour Reiki Extra!® sessions post holidays!
Need some balancing, relaxing, healing energy? Release and renew time? I'd be honored to offer you beautiful healing energy!
Regular price: $150.00/hour - Special price: $125.00/hour
DATES: January, 6th, 7th, 8th.
These sessions include:
Regular Reiki with additional energy work, if guided.
Crystal therapy/healing
Channeled messages related to your healing session (not a reading). For example, your Guides may suggest you need more leafy greens in your diet, you need to stretch more, etc. All channeled messages will be written down by me, and sent to you after the session, so you can fully relax and receive.
In the session, you will be lying down or sitting comfortably, legs/arms uncrossed, hair down. Please do not have too much sugar/caffeine prior to the session. Also, you may not want to have anything scheduled right afterwards, as you may want to rest.
Please let me know in California (PST) what time works best for you and which date, with a 2nd choice as well. Here's a time clock, if you need help with time zone. https://www.timeanddate. com/ Email me: reikisue@gmail.com
Looking forward to offering you beautiful, relaxing, healing Reiki!

Please do not inquire about any of my other services for this special - this is only for Reiki Extra® sessions. 

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