As I was preparing (meditating) for my radio interview with Eluv on theUltrasounds show, I asked what animal or animal realm had messages for me to share for everyone's highest good. A panda appeared. This is what he said:
- Eat nutrient based foods - be conscious of what you intake.
- Exercise.
- If necessary, step back from current situation - look at it from different angle/perspective. What needs to shift/change?
- Always respond don't react.
- Listen carefully to what is being said - read between the lines.
- Have integrity in all matters, even if others don't - you can set an example.
- Relax and don't think so much.
- Are you living in the best suited place for your Spirit/Soul? If not, consider where that may be and take actions to go there - you are supported.
- Important to feed your Soul.
- Trust your intuition for guidance.
- Things aren't black/white - deepen the way you look at things.
- Stay focused - one project at a time.
- We love you!
Wow! Thank you, Panda!