Friday, December 1, 2023

Channeled Messages from Aardvark for All!

 As I was preparing, meditating, for my last radio interview with Eluv on the Ultrasounds show on WMNF, I asked what animal had messages for me to share for everyone's highest good. A beautiful Aardvark appeared - this is what they said:

. Trust your senses to suss out what works for you and what doesn't.

. No need to rush. Take your time to uncover truths.

. Dig deep within yourself for answers. You have inner knowledge - trust it.

. Slow and steady towards your goals.

. Start that creative project you may be considering. We feel evening time is good for that.

. Try meditating at night, too.

. We love you.

Wow, thank you, Aardvark for these beautiful messages. Tune in next month for more messages from our animal partners!

Monday, October 16, 2023

Channeled Messages from Humpback Whale!


As I was preparing, (meditating) for last weeks radio interview with Eluv Music on the Ultrasounds show on WMNF 88.5 FM, I asked what animal had messages for me to share for everyone's highest good. A beautiful humpback whale appeared - this is what she said:

. There is light at the end of the tunnel - keep going through - know in your heart and soul you can get through whatever challenges you may be facing.
. Embrace your feminine/receiving side.
. Take deep breaths when necessary to regulate your physical body - to reground and reconnect to your higher self.
. Please protect our Seas - we are all connected.
. Acknowledge your spiritual self - trust and acknowledge your sixth sense.
. Sing and play and have fun.
. Balance is important to maintain a healthy life.
Then she finished by saying,
. We love you!

Wow! Thank you, humpback whale for your wisdom.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Channeled Messages from Hedgehog for All!


As I was preparing (meditating) for my radio interview with Eluv Music on the Ultrasounds show on WMNF 88.5 FM last week, I asked what animal had messages for me to share for everyone's highest good. An adorable hedgehog appeared, this is what she said:

. Stop your usual day to day and change it up. Get out of your routine and play - do something that brings joy and lightheartedness to your Spirit/Soul.

. When you sense something, listen to it and trust it - work with your sixth sense.

. Whatever creative project you may have put off, now is the time to reconnect with it and work on it again.

. If you are in a location where you can grow flowers or plants or food, do so.

. Make time to receive and take care of your mind, body and soul.

Then she finished by saying - We love you and play!

Thanks so much Hedgehog for these amazing messages!

The animals always amaze me.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Channeled Messages from Lizard for All!


As I was preparing (meditating) for last weeks radio interview with Eluv Music on the Ultrasounds show on WMNF 88.5 FM, I asked what animal had messages for me to share for everyone's highest good. A cute lizard appeared, this is what he said:

. Take time to be still
. Trust and follow your intuition.
. If you feel it's time to act on a situation - do it quickly and precisely.
. No need to be afraid.
. Relax when you can.
. Pay attention to your sleep time and make note of any intuitive messages you may have received in your dreams.
. Surround yourself with supportive people.
. We love you.

Wow, thank you so much, lizard for these great messages! Tune in next month to hear who has messages for us! I usually go on around 1:15pm(EST)/10:15am(PST), give or take a minute. 88.5FM in Tampa, or you can listen on line: 

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Channeled Messages from Butterfly for All!


As I was preparing (meditating) for my radio interview with Eluv on the Ultrasounds show on WMNF, I asked what animal had messages for me to share for everyone's highest good. A beautiful butterfly appeared, this is what she said:

. Time for transformation.
. Change is good - no need to fear.
. Release what is not working for you in all aspects of your life.
. Go with the flow.
. Wear bright or rich colors.
. Call on us if you seek or need lightheartedness.
. Sing out loud when you can.
. It's time for fun and silly play.
. Don't think so much.
. We love you!

Wow, thank you so much, Butterfly!

Tune in next month, on the 21st to hear who shows up with messages! I usually go on around 1:15pm(ET)/10:15am(PT).

Friday, February 10, 2023

Channeled Messages from Whale Shark for All!


As I was preparing (meditating) for last weeks radio interview with Eluv on the Ultrasounds show on WMNF 88.5 FM, I asked what animal had messages for me to share for everyone's highest good. A beautiful Whale Shark appeared, this is what she said:
. Don't be afraid.
. We suggest working with sounds for healing, too.
. We are here to help you move through emotions smoothly as not to get stuck.
. Pay attention to your surroundings and shift what you need to.
. Trust your senses in all situations and move away from people or places when you need to.
. Trust your inner wisdom.
. Eat foods that support your body, mind and soul.
. We love you.

Such beautiful messages. Thank you, Whale Shark! Tune in next month to hear what animal shows up with messages!

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Article about my work!


I recently did an animal communication session with three lovely animals. Their guardian wrote about her experience working with me, as it was her first time working with an animal communicator.

She described what a 'pet psychic' is, quite accurately. I would like to add that an animal communicator connects with animals the way she described and that it is telepathic, heart to heart, soul to soul communication. 

Here is a link to her article in Style Caster magazine:

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Channeled Messages from Seahorse!


As I was preparing (meditating) for my radio interview with Eluv last week, on the Ultrasounds show on WMNF Community Radio, I asked what animal had messages for me to share for everyone's highest good - a beautiful Seahorse appeared, this is what they said:

. Rely on yourself more.
. Trust your inner guidance and knowing - if something doesn't feel right, it's not.
. Study or learn something new - something you are already interested in, expand your knowledge.
. It's okay to be in silence - take time to just 'BE'.
. Keep your masculine and feminine sides balanced.
. Learn to live easier by going the direction the currents are going.
. There are living Beings in the Sea - please do your part in protecting us.
. We love you.
Wow! Such beautiful and helpful messages! Thank you, Seahorse!
Check out my next interview on January 27th, to see what animal shows up and their helpful messages to us all!