Monday, August 20, 2018

Channeled Messages from Hyena for All!

As I was preparing (meditating) for last weeks radio interview with Eluv on the Ultrasounds show on WMNF Community radio, I asked what animal or animal realm had messages for me to share for everyone's highest good. A Hyena appeared, this is what he said:

. Be determined to reach your goals.
. Ask for help from friends or family with any tasks at hand - no need to do alone.
. Go for what you want - no delay!
. Be with your tribe. (he said this twice).
. Be silly, be flexible.
. How are you helping Mother Earth? Please take care of our land - it's everyone's home.
. Time to change things up - don't always do same thing every day - shift any routine - may be stale - move things around.
. Move your physical body - run, dance, walk or however you can move physically.
. Do something that your makes you laugh.
. Trust your senses, your intuition always!
Wow, thank you, Hyena! Great suggestions.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Channeled Messages from Elephant for All!

As I was preparing (meditating) for my radio interview last week with Eluv for the Ultrasounds show, I asked what animal or animal realm had messages for me to share for everyone's highest good. A beautiful elephant appeared, this is what she said:

. Take care of yourselves and Mother Earth.
. Be kind to one another.
. Love all - all shapes and sizes - small and large, all species - all deserve respect.
. Find and be with your Soul group.
. Do not put things in the seas.
. Meditate.
. Take care of the young ones - show them how to care for the planet - urgency for this.
. Call on us when you need to stand your ground.
. Always trust your senses - if something feels bad, it is.

Wow, thank you, Elephant for your wisdom!