Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Interested in learning the beautiful healing technique, Reiki? I'll be teaching a level one class the first weekend of August. Here's the info:

It will be full days both Saturday and Sunday. (we usually end a bit early on Saturday). If you plan on coming, DO NOT HAVE ANY PLANS THE EVENINGS OF CLASS, as you may want to sleep, cry, eat...or all of the above! You will receive 4 Attunements total, we'll be doing guided meditations, and learn all about Reiki, the Traditional Usui Method, learn about chakras, manifesting, Attunements and much more...you will learn the hand positions for self-Reiki, chair Reiki and Table Reiki. 

We will start at 10:30 each day and end around 4:30/5:00 give or take a bit, depending on how many are in class. Sunday we do the practicing part, so can take a bit longer. :)

At the end of the weekend, you will receive a Certificate, as you will be a Reiki 1 practitioner! Yay. You will also have a pamphlet with the information we go over in class.

The cost of the weekend is $165.00. A non-refundable, non-transferable $50.00 deposit is due by July 29th. The balance due is paid in the morning before class starts on August 6th.

A couple weeks prior to class, I'll be sending more information and the details for preparing for the Attunements. It's not a cleanse, per se, but definitely it's eliminating toxins prior to class. :)

The most I have in class is 5 people. I do a very casual approach.

Any of you who register for class will get a discount on your next (or first) Reiki session with me, either for regular Reiki or for the Reiki Extra!™ I offer. ($100, instead of $125 for regular and $125 instead of $150 for the Reiki Extra™). You can schedule this session either before that weekend or after, if interested. 

IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ATTENDING, PLEASE EMAIL ME: reikisue@gmail.com, since space is very limited.

Friday, July 1, 2016


I've been guided to offer this new event!

The evening will start with a guided meditation. Then each participant will receive channeled messages and Reiki. The evening will end with a group message(s) for all.

Dates: July 13 and July 28th - July 13th is sold out.
Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm
Location: BK (exact location will be given after you register)
Energy Exchange: $55.00

To secure your spot, you must register. Please email me at: reikisue@gmail.com for payment information, etc.

Registration is non-refundable, non-transferable, no exceptions.

It will be a fun evening! Come play!