Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Channeled Messages from Cougar!

As I was preparing (meditating) for last weeks' radio interview with Eluv on the #Ultrasounds show on WMNF Community radio, I asked what animal had messages for me to share for everyone's highest good. A beautiful Cougar appeared, this is what he said:

. You have the strength to get through any situation. If you feel you can't call on us to help you.
. Be patient - then move quickly when the time is right.
. Remember to rest when you need to - sometimes it's time to lay low and notice your environment.
. Remember to eat healthy foods so you are good in your mind and body.
. When a good opportunity comes your way, pounce on it.
. If you are being called to be a leader, do not hesitate - you can do it.
. Stay strong.
Wow, thank you, Cougar for these amazing messages! Tune in next month, the third Thursday of the month for channeled messages from another animal!

Friday, January 3, 2020

Channeled Messages from Elephant for All!

As I was preparing, (meditating) for last week's radio interview with Eluv  on the Ultrasounds show,  I asked what animal had messages for me to share for everyone's highest good - a beautiful elephant appeared, this is what he said:
. Your herd is your heart - be with them.
. Stand up for yourself when you need to.
. Explore new things that may interest you.
. Be kind to others.
. Take care of Mother Earth please. We all ask you to do your part - this is very important for all species, thank you!
. Remember to play.
. Find time to do what you love.
. Everyone has an inner strength - take time to connect with this and know you can get through any situation that may throw you off balance - you can get through it.
. Always trust your intuition - will lead the way for you.
. We love you.