Sunday, August 16, 2020

Animals and LOVE!

I am blessed to work with a variety of animals, large and small!

I feel so lucky, during these uncertain times, that I can always rely on the animals to keep my heart open. 

While each animal is unique and have special messages for their guardians, the one theme all of them have is talking about LOVE! 

Every animal wants their humans to experience self love. They always want to make sure their people are taking time for themselves, remembering self care and doing fun things that make them happy. When their guardians are happy, of course, they are happy too. 

Each day, find the time to do something that lifts your Spirit. Know that when you do this your animal partner will enjoy the happiness it brings you.

If you don't have a pet, but love animals, see if you are able to visit an animal shelter, and take a dog out for a walk. Talk to a cat, bunny or bird! If you live near a horse rescue or sanctuary, work with the animals there. When we help them, it helps us expand our hearts.

I recently worked with this young cat (old Soul). I think I was grinning the whole session, as he was so funny! Talk about a heart opener.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Channeled Messages from Kangaroo!

As I was preparing (meditating) for my last radio interview with Eluv on the Ultrasounds show on WMNF Community Radio I asked what animal had messages for me to share for everyone's highest good. A beautiful Kangaroo appeared, with a baby in her pouch! This is what she said:
. Protect yourself and your family and loved ones.
. Self-care most important.
. Eat right foods for stamina and good mental health.
. Reach out to others for help if you need it - don't be shy. Asking for help is not a weakness.
. Don't worry.
. Be grateful.
. Stay close to your loved ones for support.
. Exercise in some way every day - keep your body moving to keep your energy strong.
Then she finished by saying,
. We love you!
Aw, thank you, Kangaroo for the amazing messages!
Tune in 8/20 for my next interview with new channeled messages! Wonder what animal it will be! You can tune in locally 88.5fm, Tampa, or on-line: