Since the gathering on the 3rd sold out quickly, I've been guided to offer another one on the 24th!
Each person will receive a 15 minute session, including channeled messages and Reiki. I will start with a group meditation and at the end, channel a group message(s)! The most I will have in the group is 6 people. The class is interactive
Date: February 24th, 2018
Time: 12:00noon-2:15pm
Location: Brooklyn - near Q train (more details when you register).
Energy Exchange: $50.00
Registration is due 2/10/18. Registration is non-refundable, non-transferrable. Check with me first before you register to make sure there is a spot left!
You can pay either by sending me a check/money order, or via Paypal, but don't send payment via Paypal, until you've checked with me first to see if there's a spot! If you want to pay via check, let me know and I'll email you my address. 
Come play!
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