Hi Everyone,
Wising all of you good health.
I am hoping to help with relaxing and balancing your energy systems to help move into love from fear and relax the immune system. Reiki is an excellent healing modality to help with all of this.
During the session, you will be either lying down or sitting, in a comfy position, legs and arms uncrossed. You can put me on speaker phone, so you can fully relax for the session.
No alcohol/drugs 48 hours prior to the session. It's okay to have some caffeine/sugar, but not too much. :)
I will send beautiful, relaxing, healing Reiki, and any other energy that I'm guided to send, the healing energy of whatever crystals are called for your individual session, and whatever messages your Guides may have for you related to your healing, I'll send to you after your session. (this is related to your healing, not a 'reading').
Regular sessions are $150.00 - discount is $110.00.
March 23rd - March 27th ONLY.
Let me know what date you're interested in and a time in PST/CALIFORNIA TIME, you'd like to book.
Please do not inquiry about any of my other services, as the discount is only for my remote 1 hour Reiki Extra!™ sessions.
Please email me: reikisue@gmail.com if interested in booking a session.
Sending you all lots of love energy!!
Remember to take deep breaths to connect to your body. Be in the present moment. 

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