Offering a discount on my remote 1 hour Reiki Extra!® sessions.
Regular Price: $150/hour - Special $125/hour
Dates: 11/18, 11/19, 11/20
Includes: Regular Reiki, with other energy work, if guided; crystals; channeled messages related to your healing, not a reading.
For the session, you will be lying down on your couch or bed, with either me on speaker or headphones, whichever is best for you. Any 'messages' I channel from your Guides related to your healing, I will jot down for you, and email to you after the session, so you can just relax and receive. No alcohol/drugs 24 hours prior to the session. Also, make sure you allow time to relax afterwards, as you may want to rest.
This special is ONLY for my Reiki Extra!® sessions, please do not inquire about my other services for the special. 

If interested in booking a session, let me know your preferred date and time in California, (PST). If you need help with time zone, here's a site that can help: https://www.timeanddate. com
After we book the session, I'll send you an invoice, number to call, etc.
Looking forward to offering you beautiful Reiki!
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