Friday, November 16, 2012


As I was preparing (meditating) for last night's radio interview with Eluv on the Ultrasounds show,  ( I asked the animals what they wanted me to share to everyone. A beautiful Sea Lion and a Walrus showed up! I have to say, they both were so cute!!!

This is what they shared:

  • How can you help the environment? Pick away any debris you see. Do not throw objects in the water - does not take long to dispose correctly. Recycle. One plus one equals many - does make a difference!
  • Stay calm when stormy. How can you help others? Remember love most important and helping each other.
  • Shine light, not fear to others - one plus one equals many.
  • Seek the light if darkness. Are you the light? Shine it on others. Stay strong. Like a wave, more light and love you give, more come to you. No fears now - help others.
  • Okay to take  break from service to strengthen your spirit, so you can return with healthy body, mind and soul. Don't overdo, balance necessary always.
How beautiful and of course, so appropriate for now, with post Sandy.

I'm so honored and blessed to be able to channel these messages for everyone!

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